Turkish Student Visa
According to legislation of the Republic of Turkey, all students entering Turkey from other countries for long-term study must have student visas, irrespectively of the visa regime between Turkey and the student’s country.
A student visa can be received from Turkish consulate in relevant country after signing an education contract and payment of education services.
The following basic documents are needed for receiving a student visa:
However, the list of required documents can be extended in some consulates. Therefore, it is strongly recommended before submission to a consulate to clarify with them the list of the required documents.
Documents for a student visa should be submitted 1.5-2 months prior to commencement of study. Generally, a student visa is issued for one year period. Further prolongation of legal residence will be formalised at the study place.
A ready visa should be received only at the place of visa documents submission and before departure to Turkey.
Beginning from the date of arrival for study, a student has 30 days to obtain a residence permit. The Academy of Tourism in Antalya provides all students with necessary assistance in obtaining residence permits. For this purpose, a student must submit all required documents within one month from the date of entry to the country. The list of documents needed or issue of a residence permit and formalisation procedure will be sent to the student immediately after sending a study invitation.
Addresses and telephone numbers for Embassy and consulates of the Republic of Turkey in the Russian Federation and CIS countries:
Embassy of the Republic of Turkey in Moscow
7th Rostovskiy Lane, 12
Moscow, Russia
Tel. +7 (495) 994-48-08, 994-93-59
Fax: +7 (495) 956 55 97
Consulate-General of Turkey in Kazan
Gorky Str., 23/27
420015, Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia
Tel. +7 (843) 299-53-10, 299-53-11
Fax: +7 (843) 264-25-11
Consulate of Turkey in Novorossiysk
Svobody Str., 73
Novorossiysk, Russia
Tel. +7 (861) 764-59-79, 764-59-52
Fax: +7 (861) 761-39-00
Consulate-General of Turkey in Saint-Petersburg
Malaya Morskaya Str., 6/5
191186, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Tel. +7 (812) 312-10-48, 312-32-10
Fax: +7 (812) 312-41-41
Embassy of Turkey in Kiev
Arsenalnaya Str., 18
01901, Kiev, Ukraine
Tel. +38 (044) 281-07-50, 281-07-51
Fax: +38 (044) 285-64-23
Consulate-General of Turkey in Odessa
Lidersovskiy Blvd., 3
365014, Odessa
Tel. +38 (048) 722-79-11. 722-14-78
Fax: +38 (048) 722-79-39
Consulate-General of Turkey in Almaty
Tole Bi Str., 29
Almaty, Kazakhstan
Tel: +7 (727) 278-41-65, +7 (727) 278-41-76 (77)
Fax: +7 (727) 278-41-68
Embassy of Turkey in Astana
Kabanbay Batyr Str., 6/1
Kaskad Business Centre, 10th floor, Offices 101 and 23
Astana, Kazakhstan
Tel. +7 ( 7172) 92-58-70, 92-58-73
Fax: +7 (7172) 92-58-74
Embassy of Turkey in Minsk
Volodarskogo Str., 6
220050, Minsk, Belarus
Tel. +37 (517) 227-13-83