The meeting of the rector of Academy of Tourism in Antalya with Zafer Bykkenoglu and Special Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Kazakhstan Republic in Republic of Turkey Abzalom Saparbekuli passed in a friendly atmosphere.
On the meeting were discussed such questions as a development of tourism in Kazakhstan Republic, provisions of grants for education in Tourism Academy for talented youth, cooperation with leading universities and colleges of Kazakhstan with the double diploma directions, internship organization for students and teachers. In addition, they paid big attention to the organization of education of current hotels and restaurants. So now, Tourism Academy creates a platform with the online education. It will contain videos with the practical lessons of students of Academy, and master-classes from the best professionals: waiter and waitress from 5 stars hotels.
Mr Ambassador gave a promise to help with the including of Knowledge International Olympiad in Antalya, which Academy of Tourism organizes every year, to the list of Republican science and practical center “Darin ”